Friday, June 29, 2007

Cres 1st Trial

I took this voucher while i was having lunch at Bangsar the other day. Cres beauty having this promotion for first timer. Rm49.90 for any of this 3 treatment.

1)Triple action therapy which includes Cell renewal, skin lightening and finer skin texture.
3)Full body detoxifying treatment massage.

I think is worth trying. The ambience at the center is very relaxing. I'm going to take leave and try it out.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Park at your own risk

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 7:34 AM
Subject: FW: Be Aware when parking yr car in McD Franchise

Hi, All.
Pls help to distribute this email to yr friend to avoid the same incident happen & wasting unnecessay money. :)
McDonald Autocity has a new rule on their parking lots (Maybe this is not a new rules just I did not noticed on that). Anyone who parks their cars at their parking lots (even though you are their customers) for more than 2 hours, their tires will be clamped. Subsequently, you need to pay RM50 just to open the car clamp. They have displayed the notice regarding this and there will be no warning letter issue out even though you have done it on first time (no chance givenL).
McDonald Greenland has the same rule as well. If you park yr car more than certain period, you will be fined. However, this franchise will first issue the warning letter before clamp your tire (my friend has experienced it).
I heard from McD Autocity's staff that there is one more "private car park" in Butterworth which do not allow their customers to park their car more than 45 minutes. Else, your car’s tire will be clamped and you will be fined just to open the lock.
Thus, in future, while you park your car in any McD franchise, pls be aware on the sign board (it is hardly to be noticed due to the color tone and the landscaping around).
They did not have any standardization on this rule for all McD Franchises. Feedback already provided to their head quarter but there is no response from them.
Thanks and hope that you all still can enjoy yr meal in McD.
warmest regards,

Thursday, June 14, 2007

KFC Voucher

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Introduction of Unit Trust

What is Unit Trust?
Unit Trust is pooling the investments of many investors, having same objectives and invest in share market,money market,bond,property and etc.

What is the benefits of Unit Trust?
1) Diversification
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Fund Manager will reduce the risk by invest in
different types of securities,bonds and equities.

2) Liquidity
An investor can sell his units, wholly or partially, at end of today closing price. Unlike share market, you need to find a buyer to sell your share.

3) Professional Fund Management
Professional fund manager will allocate unit holder investment to different type of potential company. Fund managers will do the analysis on company. For those unit holders who knows nothing about investment can just sit back and relax.

4) Investment Opportunities
With as low as RM1000, unit trust holders have the opportunities to invest in variaties of blue chips and potential share.

5) Better return in long run
unit trust will provide a better return in long run compare to saving account or fix deposit. When we think of investment, we need to take inflation rate into consideration.